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The mission of Elvellon Herb Shop is to support others in making  life a successful, beautiful experience through the products and  services we provide. The Shop has an online dispensary of herbal  products that are designed to help in the recovery of illness and  injury. Our products are made from whole herbs following formulas that  have been designed to address the cause of the disorder. These herbal  formulas help the body overcome disease by strengthening through  cleansing and nourishing. Our products are 100% vegan and do not contain  any animal products.

Dr. Shawn McKenzie is a certified family and medical herbalist and a  certified nutritionist through the Tree of Life Holistic Wellness  Center. He completed his PhD in Environmental Science at McMaster  University and is a researcher in plant physiology and botany. He has  long-recognised the importance of indigenous herbal knowledge and  understands that it needs to be integrated within Western science.   Shawn’s philosophy for a healthy and full life includes good nutrition  and healthful living practices, which will increase the efficiency of  herbal medicine.
The Benefits of Herbal Medicine

Herbal remedies have been around as long as humans have walked the earth. In fact, even animals know what plants to eat when they are unwell. Herbal medicine is the foundation of almost all of our modern medicines, and when practised wisely by a skilled practitioner, it can be just as effective, if not more so. There are many benefits of herbal medicine
The Saftly of our natural medicnes
At  Elvellon Herbs we believe in studying the  traditionally used herbs which adhere to the three following rules:
1. ) Non-toxic
2. ) Non-poisonous
3. ) Non-habit forming
In  unision with the above guidelines, we also teach the principles of a  proper diet and exercise. A wholistic or whole body approach is the  principle of our education program.

Native  Americans were the first nations of the United States and  Canada.  Before the days of pharmaceutical companies and a large  assortment of  prescription drugs such as tramadol online to treat medical conditions,  the Native Americans had to rely on natural remedies derived from the  earth. Native American medicine combines herbs, spirituality and a deep  belief in the healing power of the Earth. Modernist may balk at the  Indians method of treating ailments. However, their medicine practices  proved beneficial and continue to work in modern times.
Caring about our clients
At Elvellon Herbs we will use our unique skills, knowledge, and principles of natural healing to provide expert health education built upon a foundation of caring and committed relationships.

Walking with the Plant Kingdom for a better way of living.

Throughout  history herbs have been used for healing the human condition. Since the  days of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, who also was an  herbal healer, plants have found their way into our homes and clinics  around the world. The definition of an herb is simply any plant which  can used for culinary, fragrant or medicinal purposes. Our focus at Tree  Of Life Holistic Wellness Center is educating the public on the  historical applications of plants. "I believe that the gentle, yet  effective properties of plants can help to support the body's own  restorative powers, by targeting the underlying cause of the condition. I  educate on a variety of conditions but I always consider a holistic  approach seeing every client as an individual."
How we do it
We can do this because we believe that within each of us is a blueprint for healing, that if we give the body what it needs, through diet, exercise, holistic medications, counseling, and other modalities, the body can heal itself over time. We present a holistic or whole body approach to healthcare.
11 Lower Horning Rd
Hamilton ON L8S 3E8
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